Please support APSA’s Fashion Talent Show (FTS), the largest Asian Pacific Islander (API) talent and fashion show at San Diego State University in our arts and entertainment movement. FTS is a non-profit show that gathers its funds solely through the community donations, business sponsorships and fundraisers. We rely on our supporters to help us keep this show entirely free for the audience. This year we want to show how API artists and figures are starting to have a stronger voice in today's society. We are headed in the right direction for inspiring more Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to follow their passion--whether it is singing, dancing, stand-up comedy, or even blogging about their great fashion sense. Moving forward into our 24th year presenting the show, we are in the search of finding inspiration from individuals who are not afraid of being who they really are. But in order to do this, we need your help.
We will be accepting donations through Venmo by sending payment to @apsasdsu
We will be accepting donations through Venmo by sending payment to @apsasdsu